We offer powerful and multipurpose, genuine, low pressure WaterMist systems. FireBug Fire Technology harnesses pulse-water engineering to create low-pressure, super fine mist to extinguish a fire and cool the substrate..
We have 3 solutions: Single fluid, Rotor and Twin fluid (Supersonic) options, which we tailor to our customers’ specific risks.
Our approvals include: CE, LPCB and FM.

FireBug WaterMist operates at a genuine low pressure, atomising into billions of droplets as small as 50 microns in size. To put this into perspective it is important to understand these terminologies.
The WaterMist spectrum is defined by the National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) Code 750 [49] as: a spray with an average droplet size of 1000 microns or less. Therefore WaterMist could be steam from a kettle through to the droplets of water from a shower, an immense difference. Small droplets are more efficient in fire suppression than large droplets, because of their larger total surface area available for evaporation and heat extraction.
The NFPA 750 [49] defines three pressure regions for WaterMist generating technologies; low, intermediate and high-pressure systems. Low pressure systems operate at pressures of 12.0 bar (175 psi) or less, intermediate pressure systems operate at pressures greater than 12.0 bar (175psi) and less than 34.0 bar (500 psi) and high pressure systems operate at pressures greater than 34.0 bar (500psi).