Fire fighting with WaterMist for beginners

Fire fighting with WaterMist from a beginners view
Unless you are a) a professional fire fighter b) certified fire safety person c) unfortunately had to face a real life fire scenario,  the chances are you wouldn’t know how to fight a fire and would probably run for the nearest exit if faced with this situation. As a manufacturer of WaterMist fire fighting equipment we test our products on a daily basis and consider large fires  ‘normal’. However, when showing our fire videos to our diverse customer base we have encountered many comments of disbelief  on the ease of use, little training require, amount of water used, discharge time, speed of temperature cooling, safety on distance to fire etc. This has lead us to an exciting new project – finding a volunteer to learn from our in–house fire man Neal. This persons job role will include learning about fire fighting techniques,  fighting actual fires and showing how to use our range of products safely – Meet Kelly, our new fire fighting product tester! Here’s her story:
“I started working at FireBug Company 10 months ago in the marketing department as the in-house graphic designer. Considering my profession and field of expertise, I have never been exposed to the fire industry before (and never actually even used a fire extinguisher before!). Over the last few months, through working closely with the products from a marketing point of view, I have become intrigued to learn more and experience/use the products myself. As a beginner not knowing anything about the fire industry and products on the market, the idea was born to test how easy and efficient the WaterMist range is for an unexperienced individual.
After been given a brief explanation of how to approach the fire and fire fighting technique by in-house fireman, Neal Brink, I was ready for the challenge. He suited me up and assisted me with getting the BacPac on. Initially I must say, it was rather heavy (weighing 22kg’s and bearing in mind my body weight of 51kg’s) once it was adjusted and strapped correctly the weight was evenly distributed and felt comfortable. I was ready!
The two tyres were lit (accelerant being petrol) and after a few minutes burn time, I began at a distance of roughly 2 metres creating what we call a mist “barrier/blanket” which reduces the heat, suppressing the flames allowing me to move close to extinguish. I didn’t know what to expect as all the footage I have seen has been very impressive extinguishing time (from professionals in the industry) and wasn’t sure if I would achieve the same results being so unexperienced. However, for my first time I was very pleased with the outcome and the product is in fact very easy to use with great results. I look forward to my next, more advanced challenge and testing the new up and coming FireBug WaterMist products.”
See some of the fires Kelly has already undertaken including 2 and 4 tyre fires on our YouTube channel